Find IT. The Search Engine which can NOT Lie
Find IT Is the opposite of most of SE (Google, Bing, DuckDuckgo ….). While most of them make you waste time searching what you don't want. Hide the way they are ranking platform, giving often a lot of inaccurate result. Or give you the hardest pain to find little Project.
With FINDIT it's YOU who fix the Ranking System
So how does it Work ?
Usually You indicated your terms and then prey a result containing them appear in the middle of the list.
This time it's completly different. Here each hub get a score for each search and It's You who set the scoring system, who indicate how much times your search terms should be counted and how much point they bring to each platform.
From there you simply start the research (and wait a few, being more accurate it take some time) and get an Unbiased list of result solely based on your terms and the scoring system you set.
Then You can order them based on your needs and Finally you get the most accurate list of result you ever saw.
Additionally every members can rate each hub and sort result based on the community rate.
For more details about the whole list of features and how all of this work, check the Help Center;
No domain Authority, No hidden caveat.
A Completely different approach to find Hubs. A Creation (As Always with Tactikast) in the Field of SE
Wish you A great Journey in this New World we are opening to you.